The LCWA blogs are intended to provide an open forum to express your reflections and ideas related to our organization's mission and vision. Sometimes, they will further discussion on a topic presented at our meetings. They might contain helpful tips and/or recommendations regarding technology, senior living, health, diet, community events, books, events etc. At other times, they might focus on member accomplishments, businesses, crafts, hobbies, etc. They will be an evolving platform becoming what you the members want them to be. We don't want to be restrictive and say there will be only one new topic per week or per month. There may be several new blogs posted at once. They will be created on a as needs basis.
Some Guidelines:
The blogs are meant to be positive and uplifting. They provide LCWA members opportunities to broaden their awareness on topics and provide positive input to the organization. This is not an avenue to vent or get political. Each member and their ideas are to be respected. If you don't have something nice to say, then please don't post! The blog will be monitored. Anyone violating these guidelines will lose their posting privileges.
I would like to mention that the "Meet & Greet" on April 11th was a really fun afternoon! I enjoyed hearing about the ladies and getting to meet them in a small group. We had lots of laughs and very positive feed back. Looking forward to meeting more of our new members. Fantastic group of caring and generous ladies. Thank You!